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RCCG Prayer & Fasting (Day 20)

Grace Assembly London



BIBLE VERSE(S): Job 37:10-13, Deut 28:33, Levi 26:19, Psa 147:15-20


INTRODUCTION: Why do we need to pray for climate change? Rising global temperatures, caused by climate change, is bringing major changes across the world. Changes to weather patterns disrupt harvests and put seasons out of balance. It makes weather unpredictable, which include more frequent and heavy rain, intense heat of the sun, more floods, and more droughts. These can cause shortage of food and eventually result into famine.


  1. Father we thank you for creating and controlling times and seasons. Psa.24:1

  2. Father, we thank you for your help in ages past over turbulent climate change in Jesus name.

  3. Father in Your mercy gives us favorable climate in Jesus name. Mat.8:26

  4. Lord forgive our sins that have led to unfavorable climate and weather conditions, in Jesus name.

  5. Oh Lord arise in your mercy and renew this damaged world, in Jesus name.

  6. Father, raise for us generation of leaders that will cooperate with you to correct all the errors of climate change, in Jesus name.

  7. Oh Lord arise and take total control of our climate in Jesus name

  8. Lord, in your mercy, lead our scientists and engineers to new discoveries that will result to a healthier climate on the Earth, in Jesus name.

  9. Lord motivate our Leaders in government to take fresh action that will bring relief from adverse climate change, in Jesus name.

  10. Lord send help to those affected by adverse climate change, in Jesus name.

  11. Lord we bind every demon assigned to scatter the works of creation on climate and weather with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

  12. Lord Jesus, teach us how to make the world a better place of living before your return, in Jesus name.

  13. Our Father in Heaven we ask that you will grant wisdom and courage to the world leaders on climate and weather management, in Jesus name.

  14. Father let every spirit of fear of climate change, shifting our focus from your kingdom be terminated by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name.

  15. Every power in the sea making the snow, sea, rivers, oceans uncooperative, we terminate your operation in the mighty name of Jesus.

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