BIBLE VERSE(S): Deut 28:12, Prov 6:6-11
Unemployment is one of the major problems we have in Several Nations of the World, many students graduate from school with the hope of getting a good job but are often disappointed and frustrated. People want to work but can’t find any job. Those employed or running a business are not doing well, nothing to show that you are gainfully employed.
Let us thank God for being alive, only the living can work.
Lord arise deliver our people from every power wasting opportunity in their lives.
Oh Lord open my eyes and show me the secrets to make wealth, in Jesus name.
Father I refuse to serve those that are supposed to be serving me, in Jesus name.
Father connect me to those that can lift me up, in Jesus name.
You raised kingmakers for Uzziah, Oh Lord raise king makers for me and my family (children name) in Jesus name.
Lord let every power making it difficult for me to get a good job be disgraced out of my life in Jesus name.
Father I ask for a supernatural divine connection that is bigger than my age, my family’s name, my qualification, in Jesus name.
You devil, in the name of Jesus, loose your grip over my career, destiny, business, academics, qualifications in Jesus name.
Lord I refuse to be disqualified when I apply for any job in Jesus name.
Father, let your favour single me out for miraculous employment in Jesus name
Holy Spirit, help me to remember all I have known at the interviews in Jesus name.
Holy Spirit, let my appearance, presentations etc., work for my favour in Jesus name.
Holy Spirit guide me to be well equipped for that good job you have reserved for me in Jesus name.
Father, as you helped Joseph in the presence of Pharaoh, help me in the presence of my employer in Jesus name