BIBLE TEXT(S) 2Chr 29:11, Psa 104:4, Isa 61:6
Prayer is essential in the life of every child of God for effective ministerial life.
Father, we thank you for the lives of your true ministers and church workers in Jesus name. 2 Timothy 2:2
Father, let your ministers and church workers answer the call to repentance, in Jesus name. Joe 1:13, 2:17
Father, make your ministers sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant and not of the law but of the spirit, in Jesus name. 2Cor 3:6
Father, please keep your promise to make your minister flame of fire to come to pass in our time, in Jesus name, Heb 1:7
Father, give all your ministers the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, in Jesus name. Isaiah 11:2.
Lord, give your ministers the three-fold Spirit of Power, Love and of a sound mind in the process of serving you, in Jesus name, 2 Tim 1:7
Father, let your church continue to march on and never let the gate of hell overcome your church, in Jesus name, Mat 16:18
Father, let every ungodly power sitting in the position of authority in your Holy church be exposed, disgraced and uprooted, in Jesus name, Acts 16: 16 - 18
Every plant you have not planted in your church, Lord let them be uprooted by Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus name. Mat 15:13
Father let your ministers seek to depend on you alone, (God the father) and not on god fathers, in Jesus name. Psalms 18:2
Father never let your light that is shining upon your church go dim or fade in Jesus name. 1 Samuel 3:1.
Father let every satanic altar erected against your ministers and church be demolished by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Numbers 23:1-2.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I render every evil, aggressive altars impotent in the name of Jesus. Numbers 23:7-8.
Father, let every altar erected against your ministers and the church be disgraced, in Jesus name. 1king 13:5
Father, let your hammer smash every evil altar erected against your ministers and church workers in the name of Jesus. 1 Samuel 5:4